frequently asked questions

We know you problably have some detailed questions about our preschool. We hope to answer most of them in this section, but if not, just give us a text or call. 425.281.0616

  1. When does registration begin?
  2. Registration is ongoing if we have space available. You can register any time throughout the year.
  3. Do you go on field trips?
  4. Yes. Depending on what is open and how the covid situation is we would love to add meet ups and go on three field trips in the school year. We have an annual Fall pumpkin-patch field trip, an April or May Fire and Police station community field trip, and a special end-of-the-year field trip. We have all of our parents/ grandparents/ sitters bring their own child along with siblings and friends to join in the fun.
  5. What does your curriculum look like?
  6. With Karen's background in teaching 1st and 2nd grade in the Snoqualmie Valley School District, we follow the same structure as SVSD and focus on kindergarten readiness in: Science, Art, Math, Reading, Social Skills, Music, and Development. Below are things we work on throughout the year.
  7. Science: Identify and sort objects by color, shape, & size, learn about topics such as "How Things Grow", "Weather/ Seasons", and "Life Cycles".
  8. Art: Cut in a line, Identify colors, Identify shapes, Draw basic pictures, Glue, Follow directions in the project.
  9. Math: Count objects, Identify numbers (starting with 1-10 and up to 100), Count up to 100, Compare sets of objects to tell more, fewer, and same quantities, Graph, Write numbers, Understand addition of two single-digit numbers, Measure length, Use calendar to discuss day of the week and upcoming events, Understand patterns, Count by 10s, Identify objects that look different or the same, Sequence objects according to size.
  10. Reading: Learn how to read a book front to back/ left to right, Identify all uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet, Identify all upper and lowercase sounds of the alphabet, Trace letters, Write uppercase & lowercase letters, Rhyme words, Answer questions about a story, Identify beginning sounds, Identify ending sounds, Identify sight words, Write name with first letter capitalized followed by lowercase, Journal -write & draw about a life event/ interest.
  11. Social Skills: Take turns, Share toys, Initiate interactions with other students, Engage in discussions within a group, Express thoughts, feelings and ideas clearly, Talk nice to each other, Resolve conflicts by talking it through, Tune in to social cues and others' emotions, Follow simple directions, Sit during circle time to listen to a story, Use bathroom and wash/dry hands independently, Manage belongings/ hang up coat and load backpack at the end of the day.
  12. Music: Keep a steady beat, Play instruments such as maracas, tambourine, and drums, Learn songs, Sing songs, March, Dance, Follow motions such as "Freeze Dance", "Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes", "If You're Happy & You Know It", "Walk Like an Elephant", Perform songs at out Christmas Concert. :)
  13. Development: Leave Mommy & Daddy with confidence. Large-Motor Skills: Jump, Dance, Throw and catch a scarf, Play on slide. Fine-Motor Skills: Cutting, Use of pencil/ crayon/ paitbrush, Play with playdough, Play with puzzles, Fingerpaint, Glue, String objects on a string such as Noodle Necklaces or beads, Lace puzzles, Play games such as Bingo, Memory, Go Fish & I Spy.



school calendar 2019-2020



click HERE to view our

2019-2020 school calendar

2020-2021 coming soon...